Iago sparrows
Passer iagoensis take a ride to

Passer iagoensis aboard M/V Plancius, 8 May 2013, and off Deserta Grande (Madeira), 12 May 2013. © Nils van Duivendijk
stranding on Maio in May 2013: first confirmed record of Gervais’ beaked whale Mesoplodon europaeus in the Cape Verde
MDR descobre três focos de mil
pés no Sal
A Semana online, 23 de Abril de 2013
Nova praga detectada na
agricultura em Porto Novo
Feijoal, mangueira, “Neem ou Mót Cuxim” e madeira são alguns dos atractivos para a praga. No entanto, há relatos de que o bicho ataca também as sementeiras de batata comum, facto que levou alguns agricultores da localidade de Jorge Luís a abdicar desse cultivo este ano. Cursino Pereira, agricultor na localidade de Martiene, diz que os seus colegas desconhecem a origem da praga, mas alerta que ela é “tão devastadora” que quando invade os campos, dificilmente as plantas atingidas sobrevivem. Todas as plantas ou madeira invadidas pelo bicho ficam perfuradas, daí a origem da alcunha “ broca de madeira”.
Outros agricultores contactados pelo asemanaonline confirmaram a presença da “broca de madeira” em outros povoados do concelho e estranham que as autoridades competentes tenham proibido a saída dos produtos agrícolas da ilha por mais de 20 anos e não fazem o mesmo com os “rabidantes” que diariamente entram hortaliças e legumes de outras paragens em Santo Antão, sem qualquer controlo.
“Diariamente chegam à Santo Antão pessoas com produtos agrícolas alegando que são oriundos de Ribeira de Vinha e outras localidades de São Vicente, numa pura concorrência interna com os nossos produtos”, lamenta um agricultor sob anonimato que presume que a produção pode ter origem em São Nicolau ou Santiago. É que alega o nosso interlocutor, São Vicente não tem produção suficiente para abastecer o seu mercado e enviar excedente para uma ilha agrícola como Santo Antão. Para este agricultor de Santo Antão, enquanto a ilha é obrigada a garantir através do Centro de Expurgo que a produção é "limpa", continua a receber novas pragas de outras paragens, ironiza.
A delegação do Ministério de Desenvolvimento Rural (MDR) em Porto Novo, através do técnico do departamento de extensão rural, Manuel Delgado, garante que a instituição agiu de imediato em finais de 2012, logo que tomou conhecimento dessa praga - detectada em Ribeira Fria e posteriormente em Manuel Lopes. Aquele responsável lamenta, por outro lado, que a praga esteja a alastrar-se por várias localidades do interior, quando os agricultores foram aconselhados a tomar medidas locais que poderiam minimizar o seu alastramento. Ao asemanaonline, Manuel Delgado apresentou uma nota posta a circular junto dos agricultores, em Novembro do ano passado, com conselhos que podem diminuir a passagem do bicho para outras comunidades agrícolas, nomeadamente: Retirar e queimar as plantas atingidas – utilizar a lenha já seca para confeccionar os alimentos de modo a eliminar as larvas, ou então, fazer pesquisas para a detecção e destruição dos ovos que são depositados no terreno, uma ou mais vezes por mês.
A Semana online, 3 de Maio de 2013
[SCVZ EDITOR’S NOTE: The black borer Apate monachus Fabricius, 1775 is a bostrichid beetle harmful to ornamental and fruit trees and other woody plants. It is known from Africa and some Mediterranean countries and has been introduced to the Caribbean and South America. Damage results from tunneling in the trunk and branches and is usually most severe in young plantations and nursery trees. Larvae live in the wood of dead trees and do not usually cause economic damage. The species is known to invest grapevine, peach, apple, pear, avocado, coffee, and other ornamental and fruit trees. However, it is not known to live on potato (batata comum) and the report in A Semana to that effect is almost certainly due to an identification error. Damage to potato crops in Santo Antão is more likely to be caused by larvae of the turnip moth Agrotis segetum Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775 or by the infamous millipede Spinotarsus caboverdus Pierrard, 1987.]
Recent papers on Cape Verde zoology and Paleontology
Artigos recentes
sobre zoologia e Paleontologia Caboverdiana
ABSTRACT Between 2004 and 2007, we studied density, habitat features and breeding parameters of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
population in Boa Vista Island (Cape Verde). A total of 79 nest
structures were identified, 37 of which were occupied for at least 1
year during the study period. The osprey population ranged between 14
and 18 pairs, and the mean density and distance between neighbouring
occupied nests were 2.58 pairs per 100 km2 and 3089 m, respectively.
Occupied nests were found to be significantly further from the coastline
and roads than unoccupied nests, but the distances from villages were
similar. The majority (81.1%) of the 37 occupied nests were easily
accessible to humans. Mean clutch size was 2.59, average productivity
was 0.72 young/active nest, and breeding success was 58.8%. Density in
Boa Vista was higher than that in other sedentary island populations in
the Western Palearctic, whereas the productivity was the lowest of this
region. Clutch size did not vary among Western Palearctic populations,
but the differences observed in productivity were likely influenced by
local factors that in Boa Vista are attributed to nest depredation by
the brown-necked raven (Corvus ruficollis) and to direct human
ABSTRACT This work reports for the first time cleaning activity by
fish and shrimps in Santa Luzia, Cape Verde archipelago and São Tomé
islands. Three new records of facultative cleaner fish species are
presented. Facultative cleaners dominated by Labridae were the most
observed cleaner fishes in the two studied islands. Multi-specific
cleaning stations were prevalent in Santa Luzia, while cleaner shrimps
were more observed interacting in the São Tomé islands.
The deep-sea fish Kali macrodon: a new record for the tropical Atlantic off Cape Verde. Rui
Pedro Vieira, Ralf Thiel, Bernd Christiansen, Rui Coelho, Anneke Denda
& Jorge Manuel dos Santos Gonçalves, 2013, Marine Biodiversity
Records Vol. 6, e4 (3 pages);
ABSTRACT A new deep-sea fish is reported for the tropical eastern Atlantic. The rare chiasmodontid Kali macrodon
was caught for the first time in Cape Verdean waters during an
oceanographic survey in September 2009. This record provides the fifth
occurrence for the species in the north-eastern Atlantic and represents
the third specimen ever caught in tropical waters.
ABSTRACT Diadema africanum
sp. nov. Rodríguez et al. 2013 occurs in the eastern Atlantic Ocean at
depths of 1-8 metres off Madeira, Salvage, Canary, Cape Verde and São
Tomé islands and at the continental coast off Senegal and Ghana. This
species was previously considered an eastern Atlantic population of D. antillarum. Genetic distances between the holotype of D. africanum and the neotype of D. antillarum
herein designated, measured 3.34% in cytochrome oxidase I, 3.80% in
ATPase-8 and 2.31% in ATPase-6. Such divergence is similar to that
already highlighted between other accepted species of Diadema.
Morphometric analysis of test, spine and pedicellarial characters also
separated D. africanum from D. antillarum and reveals that this new
species is morphologically similar to D. antillarum
ascensionis from the mid Atlantic. The tridentate pedicellaria, which
have been shown to have diagnostic characters which discriminate among
species of Diadema, occur as both broad and narrow valved forms in D. antillarum from the western Atlantic. In D. africanum
the tridentate pedicellaria occur only as a single form which is
characterized by moderately broad and curved valves, with an expanded
distal gripping region. This form of tridentate pedicellaria is very
similar to that of D. antillarum
ascensionis from the central Atlantic, with only slight variations in
valve serration and valve curvature differentiating the two forms.
Ecological and biogeographic implications of Siderastrea symbiotic relationship with Symbiodinium sp. C46 in Sal Island (Cape Verde, East Atlantic Ocean). João
G. Monteiro, Cristiane F. Costa, Krystyna Gorlach-Lira, William K.
Fitt, Sergio S. Stefanni, Roberto Sassi, Ricardo S. Santos & Todd
C. LaJeunesse, 2013, Marine Biodiversity;
ABSTRACT The relative abundance of the genus Siderastrea
and its relationship with temperature and irradiance was assessed
around Sal Island (Cape Verde). In some of the surveyed sites, these
corals accounted for 80–90 % of the living cover, making it a
biotope-dominant organism. Unlike Siderastrea
corals from West Atlantic and Caribbean locations, genetic analyses of
the dinoflagellate symbiotic partner revealed high specificity between Siderastrea sp. in Cape Verde and the Symbiodinium type C46. Biotope restriction of the ecological success of Siderastrea
in Cape Verde may be explained in part by this host–symbiont
partnership, resulting locally in a small optimum ecological niche with
specific light intensity regimes. Distinctively, West Atlantic and
Caribbean Siderastrea associates with a much broader range of Symbiodinium
diversity, suggesting that these symbioses exhibit some flexibility
under differing environmental conditions where these corals occupy a
wider range of ecological niches. Geographic isolation and/or
long-standing environmental conditions are probably responsible for
such adaptions and coral–dinoflagellate symbioses. Additional genetic
analyses on Clade C Symbiodinium associated with Siderastrea
were conducted with the hyper-variable plastid psbA minicircle to
resolve phylogeographic patterns that indicate the relative
connectivity and/or isolation of these symbionts throughout the
tropical Atlantic.
Rhodoliths, uniformitarianism, and Darwin: Pleistocene and Recent carbonate deposits in the Cape Verde and Canary archipelagos.
Markes E. Johnson, B. Gudveig Baarli, Mário Cachão, Carlos M. da Silva,
Jorge Ledesma-Vásquez, Eduardo J. Mayoral, Ricardo S. Ramalho & Ana
Santos, 2012, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 329-330: 89-100;
ABSTRACT Visiting “St. Jago” (Santiago) in the Cape Verde Islands
in 1832 and again in 1836 aboard HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin was the
first to trace and describe the tri-part sequence of white limestone and
sandstone beds stratigraphically located between two levels of basalt
exposed almost uninterrupted for 10 km along coastal cliffs. The
Pleistocene carbonate sediments dominated by rhodoliths and rhodolith
debris accumulated on a basalt shelf and subsequently became buried by
subaerial and submarine basalt on the southeast coastline of Santiago.
The main goal of this contribution is to re-examine Darwin's
stratigraphic sequence. The secondary goal is to provide a general
taphonomical model based on the observation of Recent rhodolith
deposits for evaluation of fossil rhodolith assemblages. Environmental
uniformitarianism is employed to understand the depositional history of
the southern Santiago rhodolith-bearing strata. The mixed
clastic-carbonate sequence includes a basalt-derived basal conglomerate
with an intertidal to shallow subtidal fossil assemblage mainly denoted
by limpets and oysters. Upper layers typically demonstrate swaley and
hummocky cross stratification incorporating rhodolith debris further
modified by bioturbation. Pillow basalts from 10 to 18 m in thickness
succeeded by subaerial flows imply swift burial of the carbonate
succession under equivalent water depths. The calcareous nannofossil
assemblage was investigated to more precisely date the deposits.
Darwin's paleoshore is reinterpreted to represent two different
transgressions occurring between approximately 1.1 and 0.7 Ma.
Taphonomic grades from whole rhodoliths to finely crushed rhodolith
debris observed under present-day conditions on Maio (Cape Verde
Islands) and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) were used to model
rhodolith preservation and to constrain the depositional settings to
which rhodoliths may be transported from the offshore banks where they
naturally thrive. Coastward transport of rhodoliths commonly ends with
deposition in subtidal storm beds, tidal pools, and platform over-wash
deposits, as well as beach, berm, hurricane, tsunami, and coastal dune
[SCVZ EDITOR’S NOTE: Although rhodoliths (red algae) are the main
subject of this study, it also includes data on fossil corals,
molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms.]
What Darwin did not see: Pleistocene
fossil assemblages on a high-energy coast at Ponta das Bicudas,
Santiago, Cape Verde Islands. B. Gudveig Baarli, Ana G. Santos,
Eduardo J. Mayoral, Jorge Ledesma-Vásquez, Markes E. Johnson, Carlos M.
da Silva & Mário Cachão, 2013, Geological Magazine 150 (1): 183-189;
ABSTRACT Two distinct Pleistocene assemblages from SE Santiago
Island are comparable to modern analogues elsewhere in the Cape Verde
Islands. A low-diversity Siderastrea radians assemblage lived atop
basalt knobs surrounded by sand on a slope below a cliff. A Millepora
alcicornis–Megabalanus azoricus assemblage occupied the cliff. The
latter was a typical rocky-shore assemblage from a high-energy setting
below the tidal zone. Bioerosion structures in basalt produced by
Circolites kotoncensis and Gastrochaenolites isp. also occur there.
Despite extensive studies on local limestone deposits in 1832 and 1836,
lack of exposure prevented Darwin from seeing these fossils.